

Moving to Digital Timesheets from Paper? 3 Factors to Consider 

With countless digital time tracking solutions on the market, choosing the correct one for your business can be a challenging task, particularly if your organization still relies on a paper-based timesheet process. If you are considering your first electronic time tracking solution, there are a few...

Using Time Tracking to Discover your Clockwork 4D’s Mix

“Every company engages in four elements of work. These are the Four Ds (4Ds)—Doing, Deciding, Delegating, and Designing.” Mike Michalowicz, Clockwork (page 86) As a co-founder and CTO of InStaff, I’ve been involved in every aspect of the company operations at one point or another. From programming...

Getting Started with Sage 300 Time Tracking – A Step by Step Guide

Learn how to set up and integrate InStaff’s Sage 300 Time Tracking solution in our step-by-step guide below. (If you haven’t read about InStaff’s Time Tracking capabilities yet, take a look through this blog.)   We have an off-the-shelf time tracking integration for Sage 300 that will bring...

5 Best Time Tracking Solutions for Sage 300

Sage 300 ERP is famously known for its expandability due to its strong ecosystem of both native Sage and 3rd party software add-ons. This is true for many critical business operations, and time tracking is no exception. With a variety of solid time tracking options that integrate or work with Sage...

Introducing InStaff Time Tracking for Sage 300

To get a sense of the depth of InStaff’s unique Time Tracking solution for Sage 300, we should start at the beginning of InStaff’s history. InStaff, which we today refer to as our Modular Employee Solutions Portal, started off as a simple online paystub portal for Sage 300 ERP paystubs. It was built...

Navigating the Modern Workplace: Strategies for Unified Employee Experiences

Are you finding it difficult to attract and keep top-notch employees in your company? Is productivity decreasing and workplace morale plummeting? If you’re nodding in agreement, it might be time to consider what’s missing. Frequently, an overlooked factor contributing to these...

The Benefits of Digital Time Tracking vs. Paper Time Sheets

Time tracking has come a long way since the days of manual paper-based systems. In an increasingly digital landscape, many organizations are making the switch from paper to electronic time tracking systems. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of digital time tracking over traditional paper...

Pay Statement Requirements in Canada by Province and Territory

A pay statement is a summary of an employee’s earnings, deductions, and more within a given pay period. Every employer in Canada is legally obligated to provide a pay statement to their employees. Pay statements can be provided as a printed (paper) copy or an electronic copy distributed securely and...

7 Benefits of eStubs

Paper was a great invention. We’re not here today to dispute that. But that was a long time ago… the digital age has brought us phones, computers, internet and more. This has not changed everything though; paper airplanes are still as cool as ever. It has changed some things, however. Paper...

Applying for the Grow Your Business Online Grant in Ontario – Canada Digital Adoption Program

There is a currently a unique opportunity for Canadian companies to digitalize their business operations while subsidizing the associated costs through a government grant provided by the Government of Canada under the new Canada Digital Adoption Program ContentsWhat is the Canada Digital Adoption...
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