
All Your Company Documents Organized In One Digital Space

With InStaff’s Digital Documents Module, your InStaff Portal is a digital, central hub for your company’s documents and files. Give employees self serve access to everything they need from their InStaff account.

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Everything Employees And Admins Need In One Place

Digital Documents Instaff

Self-Service Access to Company Documents

Give employees self-service access to view and download all of your company’s important and frequently used documents. Company handbooks, guides, onboarding materials, commonly used forms; your InStaff portal is a central hub for everything your employees need.

Personal Folders for Every Employee

InStaff’s Digital Documents module also provides each employee with their own personal folder – great for uploading employee-specific documents such as employment contracts, performance evaluations, insurance information, and more.

Built-in Word Processor

Create documents on-the-fly with InStaff’s native documents word processor

Set Departmental Permissions on Files

InStaff’s Digital Documents Module uses your InStaff portal’s native “departments” feature to control document access by allowing for group-specific permissions on your company documents and files.

Email Files with a Single Click

Edit any aspect of your announcement at anytime, including title, body, schedule date, show until date, etc.

Keep Organized with Folders and Tables of Contents

Utilize InStaff’s natives folders/sub-folders and document Table of Contents features to group documents, set permissions, and keep organized.

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